Building on the success of our V4 TC100 frame the V5 TC101 introduces a new feel to power with an enlarged sweetspot and box beam geometry through the throat. Big brother to the top selling V5 TC97 the V5 TC101 adds some extra punch to all shots whilst maintaining the small frame feel of the V5 TC100.
Unstrung Specifications
Key Features
Our focus has always been to deliver quality products that are built to the highest standards and incorporate technology that benifits players. Nothing else.
We have turned up the heat on our raw materials to lower the viscosity of the resin used to coat our High Modulus fibres. The result is “Total Coverage” or as we like to call it, “Perfection Manufacturing”.

Heat and pressure are used to mould our carbon frames into shape. Our MICRO BRAID layer minimises resin flow out of the frame structure resulting in a more consistent product.
All Angell custom models are filled with our unique Foam Core to provide a high level of dampening and the unmistakable feel of a solid filled frame.

Looking for something slightly different to match your style? Build your own TC101 with our industry leading CUSTOM system

Douglas Dachille (verified owner) –
Was a former college tennis player sponsored by Prince. Played with an 28” extended length Prince Graphite. Stopped playing for about 20 years and recently decided to start playing again. Had no clue what racquet to get but I knew the exact specs of what I had played with and liked for my style of game. Was faced with going through the trial and error process of demo’ing a collection of racquets for a couple of hours to get one that closely matched the specs I was looking for. This is especially difficult when looking for a stock racquet in extended length. Fortunately I came across Angell Tennis. Was able to get a custom racquet with the specs that best matched my prior racquets. The racquet I received matched those specs perfectly and the racquet played great. Ordered another with the same specs and again the racquet I received exactly matched those specs. That is quality and consistency that is unmatched in stock racquets. If you pull out of your bag 2 of the same stock racquets there is enough of difference in the specs to be able to identify which one of the 2 you are playing with. Not the case with Angell custom. Great racquets and you are assured consistency of your specs with each order. Just ordered a 3rd.
amre-ibrahim (verified owner) –
Nachdem ich eine wahre Odyssee mit Tennisschlägern durchgemacht habe – Head Prestige, Gravity & Extreme, Wilson Blade & ProStaff, div. Yonex VCores, Technifibre TF 40, Pacific etc – bin ich schließlich bei Angell gelandet. Zunächst einmal vielen Dank an die stets kompetente und immer freundliche Unterstützung durch Paul – eine einmaliges Support-Erlebnis, das weltweit seinesgleichen suchen dürfte und dies, obwohl ich Vertragsspieler gewesen bin und ohnehin immer gute Betreuung bekam. Nun spiele ich seit knapp 6 Monaten den TC 101 mit 310 Gramm / 31,5 Balance und bin endlich “zu Hause angekommen”. Spin, Slice, gerade Schläge, Volleys, Stopbälle … der Schläger bietet mir alles, was ich brauche: Exzellente Kontrolle, gute Power, einen großzügigen Sweetspot und einen hervorragenden Touch. Ich finde überhaupt nichts mehr, was ich auf den Schläger schieben kann, sondern suche den Fehler nur noch bei mir. Meine Schmerzen an Schulter und Handgelenk gehören nun auch der Vergangenheit an. Ein fantastischer Schläger für einen Ü50, der hochklassiger spielt. Danke nochmals Paul!………………..
After going through a true odyssey with tennis rackets – Head Prestige, Gravity & Extreme, Wilson Blade & ProStaff, various Yonex VCores, Technifibre TF 40, Pacific etc – I finally ended up at Angell. First of all, many thanks to the always competent and always friendly support from Paul – a unique support experience that is probably unparalleled anywhere in the world, even though I was a contract player and always received good support anyway. I’ve been playing the TC 101 with 310 grams / 31.5 balance for almost 6 months now and I’ve finally “arrived at home”. Spin, slice, straight shots, volleys, stop shots… the racquet offers everything I need: excellent control, good power, a generous sweet spot and an excellent touch. I can no longer find anything that I can blame on the racket, but only look for the fault in myself. My shoulder and wrist pain are now a thing of the past. A fantastic racquet for an over 50 playing at a higher level. Thanks again Paul!
Sally (verified owner) –
I formerly used the TC105, Angell Cyan, Wilson clash, and Blade 104. Since I’ve improved technique I have transitioned to the V4 TC101. Every match I play someone is asking where I got this. The design is stunning. However, that’s not what makes this racquet great!
I ordered the 27.25 300g 66 RA and the swing weight is spot on to all the Angell’s I have had. This rewards good footwork, technique and medium to full strokes. Balls that spray a little with the blade and clash are landing where they are intended to go.
I don’t have any arm pain and play 2-6 hours on any given day! I love this racquet – saving up so I can have a backup.
Gareth –
I was a former user of the tc97 which was a great racket but I just felt the sweet spot was a little small. I am happy to say that this has cured what was my only issue with that racket, I am mainly a doubles player these days so I ordered a slightly extended length to get a bit of extra pop on the serve and the 101 sq inch head gives ample sweet spot for making the tricky first volleys. Very happy with my purchase, fantastic service as ever from Paul and the quality second to none as I have come to expect from Angell.
319 –
Very nice racket in all aspects.
I ordered 27.5 length and 310 weight, requested a swingweight of 310. The racket came with exactly 310 weight (did not measure other unstrung specs). After removing the grip band, adding the overgrip, putting a dampener and stringing with Head Velocity MLT (about 13g), the ready racket has 332 weight and a swingweight of 330.
The racket is fairly stable, a bit muted and feels slightly to my old wooden racket. Very arm friendly and works for both flat and top-spin shots. After a hitting session, I added 4 grams of tungsten tape (I personally have problem with lead) to the top to increase the swingweight a bit and to move the sweet spot slightly forward. The racket then became perfect for me.
The downside is slightly slow reply for communication maybe due to UK lockdown, and maybe quite expensive shipping fee despite I live next to the company… The size 1 grip may be very slightly larger than other size 1 grip but very slightly or just my illusion. Nothing bad for the racket though, maybe a little bit small sweet spot? But it also gives very good directional control for advanced players.
Definitely recommend it to all levels and I have decided to switch to this racket this year. Beginners may find it less forgiving, even if it is 101 head size. But once one get used to it, the shots it produce are very penetrating.
syuekongp –
Absolutely love this racket. The finish and paint job is amazing, love the looks, it feels and looks premium unlike many other rackets I have played with. I have been using Yonex for a number of years and the DR98 plus was my racket prior to this. I loved the DR98 plus as it was comfortable and played well. I came across reviews of Angell and they all looked good so decided to go for it. I spent a long time trying to decide between a TC100 or a TC101. Paul was amazing help in the process and gave me vital information and what balance I should go for. Having played with the TC101 for a dozen times now, each time it just gets better for me. It has made my forehand better and serves better but the main areas I feel the greatest difference is the slice backhand and my volleys, this racket has truly improved them a lot. The racket is super comfortable and the feel of it to me is great. I had to make very little adjustment and it has taken my game to a new level, and given me extra power and margin of error. I love this racket and have to say its awesome. Angell rackets are top class. Overall just an outstanding racket.
Steven Malin –
I just received my Angell TC 101. I’ve been playing with the TC 97 for about three years now and it has completely cured any elbow or other arm problems I’ve had from playing tennis. The TC 101 is exactly as advertised. It plays just like the TC 97 but provides a little greater margin for error. It is an awesome racket and exactly the extra ummph that I needed for my game. This racket comes very highly recommended for playability, feel, and arm friendliness. Another outstanding racket from Angell!
paulinhobraz –
Excellent racket, it has all the characteristics of the TC97, but with more power, much larger sweetspot, lower level of control (but high for the size of the head), more spin, greater lauch angle, excellent stability and solidity, good handling (just below K7 Red, which is my current game racket). It is the choice for those who liked the TC97, but thought it lacked a little spin and power. Another beautiful product.
roiayres –
Comprei para 2 amigos meus a TC101. Um deles usava TC97 16×19.O que usava a TC97 , definiu como uma TC97 (no quesito controle), mas com a chance de maior de erro no impacto no centro da raquete sem perder a batida, devido a cabeça maior. Ou seja, quase um TC97 16M , só que mais facil de jogar e pouco mais poderosa.
O outro que usava uma TC100, considerou como se fosse uma TC100 com mais controle. Ambos gostaram e com pequenos ajustes nas cordas, definiram como a raquete ideal.
Parabens pelo excelente projeto!!!
I bought the TC101 for 2 of my friends. One of them used TC97 16×19. What used the TC97, defined it as a TC97 (in terms of control), but with the chance of greater error in the impact in the center of the racket without losing the strike, due to the larger head. That is, almost a TC97 16M, only easier to play and little more powerful.
The other who used a TC100, considered it as a TC100 with more control. Both liked it and with small adjustments to the strings, they defined it as the ideal racket.
Congratulations for the excellent project !!!
paulmjohnson –
Yet another amazing racquet from Angell.
As a longtime owner of TC97 (16×19), I am really impressed with this one. It is almost like a slightly bigger brother, being a little more powerful and forgiving but with a little less control.
The paint job is really nice and unlike anything else I have seen. However, to me the black and copper finish is by far the best on the market today, not just from Angell, but from any manufacturer.
Thank you Paul and the rest of the Angell team.
J –
Normally playing with a TC97 18×20 I was curious how a bigger brother would play. What a fine racket to play with! I could produce a lot more topspin with this one and also hit with more power on my groundstrokes. Volleying was easy and touch and feel are right there.
A little less control compared to the TC97 18×20. I am going to try a different set up ( was equel to my TC97, 320 grams, 30.5 balance) but I am definitely switching to this one!
The paintjob and Octane color are amazing.
Chrisbatesib –
Another great racquet from Angell! I’ve been hitting with the 101 for 3 weeks now and it plays better and better each time. Previously, I was using the 97 16×19 extended in a 330 gram weight, and before that was a 97 18×20 non-extended 330 gram weight. I decided to get the 101 in the same specs as my extended 97. At first it felt a little uncontrollable, so I bumped up the tension by 4 pounds and that was the sweet spot. Just like all Angell racquets, it is super solid and feels awesome with every shot. I really noticed the extra forgiveness on volleys and also the extra spin on ground strokes and serves. This is probably due to the more open racquet face. If you are looking to add more spin and power to your game or just looking to get into playing with Angell racquets, this is a great racquet to get. Plus you cant beat the Octane color.